Honesdale Fire Department

Primary Response Area

If your home, business, or property falls within the boundaries shown on the map below your primary fire protection is provided by the largest, best equipped and highest rated fire department in Wayne County. Available resources include more than eighty active volunteer fire fighters operating four fire apparatus with water pumping capabilities, one tanker, one aerial apparatus, one rescue apparatus, and one foam tender. The department has more than one mile of 5" supply hose, thirty self contained breathing apparatus, various ladders ranging from ten to eighty five feet in length. The department is dispatched to fire and other emergencies by the Wayne County Communications Center located in the basement of the Court House in Honesdale, and is reached by calling 911.

Reviewing Present area and Responses In 2002, Honesdale Fire Department began the involved but necessary project of reviewing all response areas served by the department. New response areas (Box Assignments) are being defined and the response to some existing "Box Assignments" is being modified. The purpose of these changes is to better serve those we protect. Many of the new "Box Assignments" involve specialized plans for special risk structures or facilities. An integral part of this review of HFD responsibility is the recommendation for the installation of Dry Hydrants at a number of strategic locations throughout the HFD area.

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